Stila Structure ® - مُصنِّع مدرجات وهياكل فولاذية
الجدول الفني
الأسئلة المتكررة
الحصول على أسعار مجاني
قم بالتمرير

Universal Seats

Usage Areas: It is suitable for use in outdoor and indoor sports facilities, concerts and event areas.

System Definition: The next-generation Universal fixed stadium seat, produced with the Gas Inflation System, is a system that can be directly mounted on the riser without the need for metal parts.

Features: The fixed grandstand seat offers comfortable and practical use with its ergonomic design, lightweight portability, easy assembly, and durability.

مقاومة الأشعة فوق البنفسجية
سهولة الصيانة
خيارات الألوان
شهادة الأيزو

تجربة الفرق في ستيلا.

بيئة العمل
1 The production is carried out using the injection method from the original polypropylene copolymer raw material.
2 It has a ribbed reinforced and double-walled structure that makes it difficult for breakage to occur when subjected to a load.
3 The lightfastness is maximized using color pigments, and color fading and chalkiness are effectively prevented with UV and antioxidant additives.
4 The front part of the seating area is designed in an oval shape to not disturb the legs. The backrest is produced with a curved and ergonomic structure.
5 There is a drainage hole in the center of the seat.
6 It has a glossy surface, preventing dirt from accumulating and allowing for easy cleaning.
7 Fire retardant properties are imparted with FR additives, documented by the UL 94-V2 test report.
8 Thanks to this special design, a solution is provided to prevent the hands from entering to avoid the seats being detached from their place.
9 For securing the seats to the step, the step is drilled at four points. After cleaning the holes and placing the dowels, the seats are securely attached to the step using trifoil screws. After assembly is complete, the hole slots are covered with plastic caps to prevent contact with water.

هنا بعض أسئلة شائعة

1. في أي الأحداث يتم عادةً استخدام مقاعد المنبر من السلسلة العالمية؟
2. ما هي السمات البارزة لمقاعد المنبر من السلسلة العالمية؟
3. هل من الممكن تخصيص مقاعد المنبر من السلسلة العالمية وفقًا لألوان فريقي أو تفضيلاتي الشخصية؟
4. ما هي المواد التي تصنع منها مقاعد المنبر من السلسلة العالمية؟
5. كيف يتم تجميع مقاعد المنصة من السلسلة العالمية؟

الحصول على أسعار مجاني!

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